On January 1, Steamboat Willie, the first version of Mickey Mouse, became public domain, leading to an unforeseen development: the release of a horror film trailer titled “Mickey’s Mouse Trap.” The film appears to have been in the works for some time, directed by Jamie Bailey and penned by Simon Phillips. The trailer skillfully combines original Steamboat Willie footage with newly filmed, terrifying scenes.
The plot of “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” revolves around a 21st birthday party for Alex at an amusement arcade. As Alex works a late shift, her friends plan a surprise visit, but instead, they encounter a horror scenario with a killer donning a Mickey Mouse mask. The trailer sets the tone for a suspense-filled movie where the group must outwit the killer to survive the night.
Disney has clarified that the expiry of the Steamboat Willie copyright doesn’t affect the modern iterations of Mickey Mouse, which have evolved significantly since their inception.
The movie’s creators have taken legal nuances into account, ensuring the trailer carries a disclaimer clarifying that the film is not associated with or endorsed by Disney.
“Mickey’s Mouse Trap” represents a growing trend in the film industry of reimagining classic characters in unexpected ways. This trend is exemplified by “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,” a slasher horror version of A.A. Milne’s cherished children’s tales, which also recently entered the public domain.