In the picturesque French Riviera town of Menton, the annual lemon festival dazzles visitors with intricate citrus displays, yet the star of the show, the renowned Menton lemon, is notably absent from these decorations. Valued for its unique flavor and historical prestige, including admiration from King Louis XIV, the Menton lemon is deemed too valuable to be used merely for display.
Menton, once a hub of lemon cultivation in Europe, has seen its orchards replaced by urban development over the centuries. Today, only a handful of producers continue the tradition, growing this luxurious citrus on a fraction of the land that once flourished with lemon groves. Pierre Ciabaud, who diverged from his family’s lemon-growing legacy to pursue a more financially viable career, now maintains their grove, reminiscing about a time when the landscape was dominated by lemon trees.
The Menton lemon’s exceptional quality comes from the region’s unique climate and soil conditions, which produce a fruit that is acidic but not bitter, with a distinctive lemongrass aroma. However, the tradition of cultivating these prized lemons faces challenges, including the threat of climate change, which brings drought and rising temperatures that could impact future crops.
Despite these obstacles, the Menton lemon has gained recognition and protection as a geographical indicator by the European Union, a status that supports its distinction and marketing. Growers like Laurent Gannac, who entered the lemon farming business from a landscaping background, emphasize the importance of adapting to changing climatic conditions to preserve the legacy of the Menton lemon. They aspire for these exquisite lemons to be savored in gourmet dishes and delicacies, cherishing their place in culinary excellence.